Sunday, November 2, 2008
my chenta hati
Posted by fasara<33 at 7:58 AM 0 comments gula hati..
ohh my gula hati..
im officially taken by nadia nazid on the 18th of July 2008.
i am me nw bcause of her.
nw sumpah i setia bai.mana ada flirt2 dah.

-ily nadia nazid by fasara-
Posted by fasara<33 at 1:03 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Why are you staying away?
There are so many things,
I want to say,
So many things,
I want you to know,
Please, please dont go,
Don’t leave me behind the way you do,
I want to tell you that I love you,
Just be honest and be clear,
And please don’t say the things I fear,
Don’t tell yourself I am too young for you,
Cause you know that’s not true,
Don’t make distance, keep me close.
Come my way, give me a rose,
Remember what you promised me,
So my love..let it be..
p/s;dedicated to someone whom i used to love..sometimes what goes around..comes around..serve u rite sayang..u broke my heart and now im breaking yours..
Posted by fasara<33 at 7:07 AM 0 comments
highschool drama:)
well hunnies..
today i wanna talk bout happened at skul..
uhh..highschool drama..again...
mula2 like dis...
i bukak my purse..
then ad 4sen..
i mcm bored..
so my gang and i decided tu kacau hazirah..
so my friend pergi kat hazirah and gave her dat 4sen..and we suruh hazirah go buy a shaver so her armpits wouldn't b like a jungle..haha(:
she gila terasa weyh!!
who cares?
sama lah jugak how i terasa time she gave maggi during my birthday..
jst bcause my hair looks like one..
serve her rite..
oh F*CK...
my leg cannot move weyh..
wait2..brb... bc..kaki i ta oke lgy..but ta kesah lah..i stil na continue writting..
oh k..
bila i dah otw 2 class..
hazirah si ayam katik tuh jerit something bout cheerleading..i jst buat bodoh lah..
put pergi kat diyanah..
and ckp something bout pad..haha
tba2 ayam katik tuh tolak put..
and they started fighting..
tba2 reimy datang and tarik put and katik..
i cam cuak gila..
i kesian put weyh..
i and elle kna pggil..
cikgu kata na gantung us..
i macam WTF? i have nothin 2 do with it..
then,cikgu macam nagging us...on and on..
last2,kna say sorry..
i ta cakap sory pun..
bcause i memang lah bukan drama queen..
ta main lah fake cry neh..
so..story dah abeh..
conclusion; i stil hate nurinn safwah,diyanahh amani,adiba and penguin+ dat stupid murnii nabilah..
and i love gila kat theGONZALES!!!!!!!!!!
xoxoxo aite
Posted by fasara<33 at 5:02 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
truth bout my love,life and soul:)
love? sometimes i hate it..most of the time i need me..its not the kiss,gifts or money that they had spent on me..that really matters..its the time that they have 4 me..its the tears which never had a chance 2 fall on the ground because they had took a tissue and wiped all those tears off..all those times when they make me feel like im the luckiest girl on earth...uhh..oke..y isit so hard 2 b LOVED?? im gettin tired of loving without they loving me back in not gonna LOVE till im LOVED..get me?
life? jst fourteen but it seems like i giving up on my life somehow...uhh..tell me wats up with teenagers+anger+eager and determination..uhh..hard 4 me to life life..some jst simply said...jst live and hav fun wit it..i wish i could..but i jst cant..thank GOD i hav my friends who rocks my socks:) friends are my all..
soul? mine is empty..loneliness filled my soul..nothin muc in my by day..i wished i could fill my soul with cute like when i was 2..haha..y is it so hard 2 put a smile onto my soul and any tears dropped by?uhhhhh....
Posted by fasara<33 at 11:01 AM 0 comments